We’re home!

We’ve been busy and I just realized that we should have already made this quick post to tell you that we made it home safe and sound. We landed in L.A. around 7pm California time on May 14th. We have been jet lagged and are still really tired… Kimberly and I are sleeping very little but we are all glad to be home and Hope is adjusting well. We’ll update more soon!

4 Responses to “We’re home!”

  1. 1
    Alida Says:

    Do you need meals delivered?

  2. 2
    Stacy Richards Says:

    WELCOME HOME!!!!!!! I pray everyone is adjusting well and that the jetlag isn’t too bad. Please call if there is ANYTHING you need or ANYTHING we can do! We’d love to bring you a meal. Hugs!!!

  3. 3
    Kimmie Says:

    Welcome home…may you settle in quickly!

    How did the flight home go?

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  4. 4
    admin Says:

    Thanks for the warm welcomes! Thanks for the meal offer, but we’ve basically just been living off Subway sandwiches. It’s wonderful to be able to eat fresh uncooked vegetables again! And take a break from Chinese food of course.

    Hehehe… Our flight home… Well, I will just say that it was far less than glorious! I am going to make a seperate post out of it.


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