The Story on The Story

We decided to write up a page that gives a more detailed history of our adoption journey. It is a long story, yet believe it or not we haven’t included all the details! We’ve just tried to give an accurate account of what God has done for us so far, and most importantly to share about what he has done for our daughter, Hope Qian Hao. The rest of the details will come later, when it is more appropriate.

This is a personal and spiritual testimony, and we hesitated for a long time to write about the spiritual aspects. We had to come to terms with the eventuality that some may not understand, or be able to appreciate our experiences. The truth is that God has done wonderful things for Hope, and they reflect his extravagant love for all people and the lengths he goes to in order to rescue each one of us. We have given as complete an account of the events as we can so you can have the opportunity to share in the joy and awe of God that we have gained through these experiences.

The story is here for those of you who have supported us in this adoption and who are supporting us, so you can share in what you are helping to make possible. It is here especially for Hope Qian Hao, who will one day get to read it too and learn about the beginnings of her story.

So if you’re interested, and have some time, then please give it a read:

One Response to “The Story on The Story”

  1. 1
    Michelle Thedaker Says:


    We met briefly today at Olympic Gymnastics when I bought several candy bars from you while you shared your beautiful story with my friend Carissa and I. I’ve read the whole thing here, and I am grinning ear to ear at the wonderful power of the Law of Attraction in the Universe. Although you and I have different religious bases, our belief in the goodness and positivity in the Universe is the same. When you put out there – to God, The Goddess, The Universe, whatever you call it! – that you want something, it will come to you. The way will be made for you, the synergistic meetings with people, the events of your life will come together to bring you your desire.

    I will be continuing to follow your story here, and look forward to seeing pictures of Hope united with her new family!



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