Test Results

Last week, we took Hope to the hospital to have an MRI and cat scan to test and see if she has any brain damage or previous fractures. The opthamologist wanted to see if there was any other evidence that might suggest Shaken Baby syndrome. Well, the good news is that she has no sign of either brain damage or bone fractures. So now we are going to have her tested for a genetically rare disorder, that her detached retina might be due to. She has an appointment on Friday with her opthamologist, so I will probably have more information after talking to him.

On a fun note, Hope starts preschool tomorrow! Details and pictures to follow! 🙂

2 Responses to “Test Results”

  1. 1
    Auntie Carol Says:

    Dearest Guza,
    Terrific news. God Bless!!
    I love you.
    Auntie Carol

  2. 2
    Heather BT Says:

    I know Acer is loving pre-school, hope your little one enjoys it just as much. Will admit it’s just too dern cute to see him sleeping in the bus when he comes home at noon.
    Heather BT

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