
We just had a scheduled conference call with our travel group to go over last minute travel details. The minute the call coordinator said “Welcome”, I just suddenly burst into tears. Nobody could hear me crying, but it was like the culmination of all this hard work, waiting, fundraising, etc….all coming to a head. Here we are, leaving for China in 7 DAYS!!!!!!! Im beyond excited, and cant believe its already here!!!!


5 Responses to “Phew!”

  1. 1
    Nancy Reed Says:

    I know that feeling. Just wanted to say i am praying for you all. And will continue to do so till little Hope is home. God bless.

  2. 2
    Stacy Richards Says:

    How sweet are you!!! Just wait until you hold Hope 🙂
    We are praying for this next week of craziness! ~stacy

  3. 3
    Jonathan Says:

    It IS crazy! We had TWO people come at nine thirty last night! BUT STILL!! IM GETTING A NEW SISTER FOR MY BIRTHDAY!! 😀

  4. 4
    Kimmie Says:

    Yeah! Tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of a mother’s heart that is full of love for her sweet daughter named Hope.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  5. 5
    Kathleen Says:

    Tomorrow’s the big day! You will be in our thoughts and prayers as you travel, and we’ll be checking the website for updates.
    Your travel reminds us of ours, 26 years ago.
    We had to go separately, tho. So glad you are traveling together.
    Godspeed. Be safe and make wonderful memories.
    Kathleen and Ken (Max’s grandma/grandpa)

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