We got to talk to Hope again last night! It was a brief time on the phone with her, since we called right before their lunchtime over there. We each got to say hello to her and she said her signature “Ma!” a lot. We turned on the speaker phone, and
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our time of talking with her.
Then we got to talk to our friend who is volunteering at Bethel, and who has kind of taken Hope under her wing. She answered our questions best she could and we talked for almost an hour. It’s great to know that Hope is well, and is getting such good care.
She said that other kids that are around Hope’s age at the foster home talk much more than she does, and that she only says “Ma”. She described Hope as sensitive, quiet and mild mannered. She loves to be tickled and goes wild and laughs hysterically when they tickle her. She hasn’t seen Hope play with other kids very much, but said that just today the nannies were really engaging her and she was having a lot of fun, being more expressive and enjoying herself. She thinks Hope can definitely see light, because she often turns her face toward it and always wants to sit facing windows.
She told us that Hope wears a 2t in length, but her waist is the size of 12-18 months, so she is long and skinny. They took measurements for all the kids today. Hope weighed in at 22 pounds and her feet are 4.72 inches long.
She said that Hope has done well with the move and is adjusting well to the knew nannies. The move has been an adjustment for everyone, especially because they are now all in one big room, as opposed to the last location where they had four separate houses. She said there are pros and cons to this, but being in the same room causes there to be more of a sense of being one big family and the older kids interact more with the younger ones now than before. She mentioned that they are dealing with electrical and plumbing problems at the new location. She also said they are in need of more educational supplies and toys at Bethel. They have a lot of toys but need more that are specifically geared for the blind. They haven’t received the book yet that we express mailed to Hope a few weeks ago, but hopefully they will soon.