Our Chipin fundraiser just ended yesterday, and $1,095 was given through it! Thanks again to everyone who contributed!
To date we’ve raised close to $11,000, and have spent all of it to get where we are currently at in the adoption process. We have another $4,000 coming from Shaohannah’s Hope that we were granted at the concert, which goes directly to our agency when the time comes, and will apply toward the plane tickets or whatever the appropriate application of the funds is when this all goes down.
Our minimum remaining expense needs (as far as human planning goes) are now coming into view. At minimum, we need another $5,650 for Plan C, which would be for Kimberly to travel alone to get Hope. There would be additional expenses if she goes alone, because the system is designed for both adopting parents to be there, and so they require additional steps if we aren’t both there. The ideal (Plan A) from our perspective would be for all of us to go to China to get Hope because we don’t have a situation personally that we would feel comfortable with for just Kimberly and I to go, and leave the kids. Not only that, but we’d love for us all to experience this unique opportunity together.
They require us to be there for two weeks, and Kimberly’s mom has offered to watch the kids for 5 days, so there is also the possible (Plan B) scenario for Kimberly and I to go for the first five days, and then I would come back after that while Kimberly stays for the rest of the trip. This is not an desirable plan for a number of reasons, but it’s better than Kimberly going alone.
Plan A
The expense breakdown for us all to go:
$5,650 – base amount needed (see plan C)
$4,800 – additional airfares
$2,500 – additional inside China airfares
$1,000 – additional food expense
$400 – additional travel visa’s
$14,350 = minimum needed for us all to go together
Plan B
The expense breakdown for Kimberly to go and Todd to go for the first five days:
$5,650 – base amount needed (see plan C)
$1,500 – additional airfare
$1,000 – additional inside China airfare
$300 – additional food expense
$100 – additional travel visa
$9,000 = minimum needed for Kimberly to go, and Todd to go for the first five days
Plan C
The expense breakdown for Kimberly to go alone:
$3,000 – Orphanage fee
$1,300 – China’s paperwork fees
$1,500 – Kimberly’s airfare
$700 – Hope’s airfare
$1,800 – Inside China airfares
$250 – food
$100 – Travel Visa
$9,650 – the total before the grant
-$4,000 – the grant
$5,650 = minimum needed for Kimberly to go alone (not counting additional fees that would be required post travel if she goes alone)
These are all staggering amounts to us, but God is God, so we know he has the best plan all worked out already! 😉
November 13th, 2007 at 5:49 am
Believing and praying for total provision for you guys!
We know from our own adoption story that God’s heart is for adoption and that HE WILL PROVIDE!
John and Tracie Loux
(friends of Sean and Danielle in Kansas City, MO)
May 8th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
WOW! Isn’t it weird that were all ready in China?! ALL OF US?! LOL! That is funny! I’m in China right now!! LOLZ!