We will have Hope in our arms in just a couple of days! We are due to arrive at the airport around 11pm tonight, and our flight is scheduled to leave from LAX at 2:45am! I can’t believe how crazy intense this last week has been! I am actually looking forward to at least the first long plane flight as a time to just c-h-i-l-l!
So for the next two weeks we will be traveling to and through China. We will be trying to post often, and at least daily if possible, so I went ahead and changed the blog to show the recent posts on the main page, for convenience.
If you’re a praying type, please continue to join us in prayer. Our kids are sick and that has us a bit on edge. Also, we had it scheduled to get Hope at Bethel on Friday and now our agency is saying as of this morning that we are getting her on Sunday, the same day we travel to Chongqing… There are some other misunderstandings between us and our agency that have developed today and are turning out to be big hassles… ugh. Thanks for praying! 😉
We had some families bring us dinners this week and it was amazingly helpful, and tasty too! Thank you Larkin Family, Kutsiki Family, Mcstay Family, Hutchins Family, Diaz Family, and Weesner Family! (Sorry if I missed any)
April 29th, 2008 at 8:42 am
You are in our prayers, Kim and all, for traveling mercies, God’s timing to continue on this trip, and for your unspeakable joy as you hold HOPE for the first time! Becky
April 29th, 2008 at 8:58 am
Too crazy…I was cleaning and got this urgency to pray for you guys…so I am. I just left you a message. I remember how crazy the day you leave is and I praying for that, too! Praying everyone is getting better and that Hope’s transition will go beautifully..God has already prepared her for you guys! I can’t wait to see her in your arms. Love, stacy
April 29th, 2008 at 9:28 am
We are so excited for you! PRAYING FOR YOUR JOURNEY TO BE SMOOTH!
April 29th, 2008 at 10:38 am
Yahoo…you can count on us to be your prayer team!
How wonderful that you are down to hours until she is in your arms!
God is so good!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
*adopting from Ethiopia now!
April 29th, 2008 at 11:35 am
I will be praying and thinking of you all often.
I have actually shed tears of happiness for you this week just thnking of the wonderful life she will have here with you. From the first time I saw her I started praying for her, and the family that would be recieving her. she is precious and truly a gift from God. Only those who go through the adoption process really understand what it means to give birth in your heart. It’s a love that is like no other. And only god can do that too.
have a wonderful time in China with your “whole”
Because of Him,
April 29th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
I miss you already,& I just saw you an hour ago!I love you guys & am praying for you and Hope..keep me posted!!Can’t wait for CB in a few weeks…