
We just want to say thank you to all of you who have emailed us and encouraged us about Hope. Its so neat to know that we have so many people out there who are rooting for her, and praying for all of us! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

She has been doing well. She has to wear these big patches on her eyes for the next two weeks. They are outlined in pink, and she looks like a diva with huge sunglasses. She is taking it really well, and hasn’t been trying to pull them off, which we were worried about.

We took her back to the doctor the day after surgery. He took a look at her eyes, and said all looked well.  Basically, his report is this: her left eye has a severe detached retina, with a tear in the retina. He pretty much left that eye alone, except for removing some scar tissue. But he said that the right eye did well in the surgery. The retina was severely detached, but no tears or holes. He removed 90% of the scar tissue, and he said now we just wait for the retina to re-attach itself which will take 3-6 months. We will go back every week or so to check her eyes, and make sure they are healing up well from the surgery.

The news was a blow at first….especially the part about WHY she is blind in the first place. But the Lord has been showing us that HE is the healer, and He will heal her heart, and that LOVE conquers darkness. So we have been soaking that little girl in prayer, and we are so delighted that the God of Heaven chose our little family to be the ones that get to be with her and raise her up. We believe that God has AMAZING plans for this little girl. Although we grieve at her past, we rejoice in her future. And we will never stop believing that God does miracles, and He is the one who can heal this little girl!

Thank you for your love and your prayers! You’re awesome! 🙂

One Response to “Update”

  1. 1
    The Gang's All Here! Says:

    What an incredibly beautiful post! The whole time I was reading it I was praying for God’s hand to move on your daughter’s eyes. Head over to this blog that I read daily called Without Wax , for some awesome encouragement and a cool video that will bless you. There’s more info on the youtube pages for the same song, like a story behind the song thing but it takes a few minutes of time . . .

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