
We got the call! There is an opening for Hope to have surgery on Tuesday. Please keep us in your prayers, and we will post as soon as we have any info on Tuesday from her doctor!!!!!

Hip Hip Hoooooooorayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 Responses to “TUESDAY!!!!!!!”

  1. 1
    Tracie Loux Says:

    We’ll be praying, and I’ll spread the word here too!

  2. 2
    Sharon Says:

    That is wonderful! I have been following your family’s story since shortly before you went to China and will certainly be praying for your daughter! (and you, too!)
    Best wishes,

  3. 3
    Leslie Trotter Says:

    Praise God!!! I will give in a prayer request in church tomorow. We wil be praying for you guys!!

  4. 4
    heather BT Says:

    How fast is that, I’ll be checking in a lot on Tues ‘cuz I have the day off and can’t wait to hear!
    Heather BT

  5. 5
    Barb Says:

    How exciting!!! I’ll be praying!

  6. 6
    Kimmie Says:


    I am praying! I will be praying and I can’t wait to hear all about it. God is certainly amazing, how blessed I am to be able to be a part of it with your family. (my family is so excited for you and for HOPE…how awesome will this be for her life!)

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  7. 7
    Kiki Says:

    I read your wonderful news on RQ. I am so happy for your daughter. Will keep her in prayer. Praise God!

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