Gotcha day = tomorrow!

After an extremely hectic week leading up to our departure, we had a great time last night hanging with friends, getting prayer and encouragement, and celebrating. 11:11Thanks to these amazing friends, and some divine navigations, critical last minute details got taken care of in epic fashion, and we got to the airport right on time (11:11pm). 😉

Somewhere around 9am California time we had a pork dinner for breakfast on the plane, and then around 5pm California time we had a nice breakfast for dinner at our hotel.


We are now trying to nap off some jet lag before we go out and get some supplies this fine twilight zone Beijing evening. Not long after we arrived in our room and almost collectively passed out, the phone rang and we found out from our guide that we are now scheduled to go to Bethel and get Hope tomorrow afternoon (China time)! We will go out for some sight seeing in the morning with our travel group and then head to Bethel!!! We are really excited and glad that everything got straightened out! (Your prayers worked!)

There have been untimely technical issues with the server that hosts our site, but things seem to have settled for now, so hopefully we’ll be able to post a Gotcha day update and some media tomorrow evening!

Photos of our trip will be posted here for the most part, and we’ll be posting some video too, once I discover the easiest way to do that from behind the red curtain. 😉

I’d like to write more, but it will have to wait as I am feeling the pull to join my napping comrades.

6 Responses to “Gotcha day = tomorrow!”

  1. 1
    maita jones Says:

    Hi guys!!
    It’s the middle of the night here-why am I up you may ask,it’s to see if you had this site up!:)I can’t WAIT for you guys to get Hope,I’m crying just thinking about it.We love you and are soooo with you right now…

  2. 2
    admin Says:

    My goodness Maita, you night owl! I am the one here who can’t sleep. Everybody else has been crashed out for many hours. I will be the one who will be able to sleep the Beijing night tonight, as long as I go and pick up some earplugs, since the fam is going to be bouncing off the walls I am sure.

  3. 3
    Stacy Richards Says:

    YEAH…you guys made it safe and sound. I am so happy to hear you will meet Hope tomorrow. We are so excited for you guys! Have fun sightseeing! Can’t wait to see your next post! Blessings, stacy

  4. 4
    Elisa Peters Says:

    Hey guys! How exciting tomorrow is Gotcha day! I’m so happy that you all were able to travel as a family! We can’t wait to see Hope in your arms very very soon! Love, The Peters Family

  5. 5
    Tracie Loux Says:

    Yeah!! This is soooooooooo exciting!!!

  6. 6
    Sean Henry Says:

    Loving watching this. Todd catches the funniest signs.

    We have 40 boxes of kleenex waiting for the pix of BubFam and Baby.

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