We’re Leaving Tomorrow!!!!

I was standing in line at Target today, getting some last minute items for the trip. I told the checker “Im going to China tomorrow” and suddenly, it hit me….IM GOING TO CHINA TOMORROW!!!!!

He didnt seem to care one way or another so I said, “No! You dont understand! Im going to China TOMORROW!!!!! We have been waiting for this moment for almost a year! And Im going TOMORROW!!”

He’s like, “thats nice maam…would you like to apply for a Target card?”

I left Target today with the realization of God’s faithfulness, and in awe of the way He is sending us halfway across the world, to bring an orphan into a family. Qian Li Hao. Jonathan heard her name months and months ago before we ever knew of her. But God knew her, and He went through extraordinary measures to make sure that our lives would come together, and that she would be a part of our family.

Thank God for His indescribable gift! Please follow our journey to China, as we post on our blog each day. We love you, and thank you for your kindness and support to our family.


The Phillips

5 Responses to “We’re Leaving Tomorrow!!!!”

  1. 1
    Kimmie Says:

    Hi Kim and Phillips family;

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. May God hold you close and continue to walk with you into the next days of adoption. Be blessed and keep your eyes and heart fixed on Him.

    SOOOO excited for you!

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  2. 2
    Kristen Halvorson Says:

    Our prayers will accompany you on your adventure! May the Lord bless you and protect you. Please let us know how your family is feeling.

  3. 3
    Stacy Richards Says:

    My precious friends, we are sooooo excited that this day has finally come! I can’t wait to follow your trip to Hope. We are praying for you guys continually!! {{{HUGS}}} Now go get your baby girl…we can’t wait to meet her! ~stacy

  4. 4
    Barb Says:

    Many, many blessings to all of you!!! Can’t wait to see you with your daughter!!!!
    Love, Barb

  5. 5
    Alida Says:

    We are so happy for you. We are totally THRILLED! I feel like part of us is getting ready to board a plane right with you. 😉 We are praying you and Hope, that all would go well and that you would be asble to testify of God’s love and power to the ends of the earth. ( or at least the other side of it! ) bLESS YOU. Love you lots, Alida & Fam

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