1 Year Ago

Can you believe it was actually one year ago today that we saw Hope for the very first time? So much has happened since then, and the year has flown by! We are so blessed to have her in our lives. We had a big party at the park planned for today, but we canceled it due to the rain forecast. The rain ended up not even coming, so that was a bummer! Grandma brought over a cupcake for Hope, and we sang Happy Birthday to her. She seemed to enjoy it.

Last night, I got to share Hope’s story at a church called Blessed International. It’s an amazing group of people, and it was so encouraging to tell her story again. I always get fired up when I remember all that God did to bring her here. God is so good!


3 Responses to “1 Year Ago”

  1. 1
    auntie Carol Says:

    Dearest Guza,

    Hope is so blessed that your family found her and brought her home one year ago. We are all blessed that she is a part of our family. My angel, niece, Hope!!!!!! I love her so much. Can’t wait to celebrate her birthday. When she said “Auntie Carol” on the phone, my heart was so happy, I just can’t begin to tell you. All of you are so wonderful and have such loving and precious hearts.

    God Bless!!

    I love you.
    Auntie Carol

  2. 2
    Leslie Trotter Says:

    Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!!! We celebrated ours today! What an amazing year it has been for both families. We are all truly blessed.

  3. 3
    Kimmie Says:

    A year already, wow!

    So glad that God is opening doors for you to share your testimony about Hopes addition to your family. Praise God for open doors and opportunities to expand the Kingdom.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

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